Tag Archives: obama

the trouble with romney


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Mitt Romney is slowly, yet actually not so slowly, becoming the inevitable Republican candidate. I think we kind of all knew in the back of our minds it would happen, even though a Santorum candidacy would have been both terrifying and magical. Terrifying because, well, it’s Rick Santorum -how is he not terrifying? This is the guy who labeled college as for “snobs,” pretty much. He’s also the man who said he wouldn’t even give his daughter an abortion, even if she was raped -he thinks it’s best to make “a good situation out of a bad one.” Yeah. Oh and he’s the guy with the Google bomb of his last name. Yet, a Santorum candidacy would have been magical because imagine the debates. Santorum would have his Santorum’d ass handed to him by President Barack Obama. I can only dream of the amazing quotes, gifs, and historical shame we would get from it all.

Honestly, I don’t think Mitt is going to win the whole sha-bang. Why? Because he’s not relatable to, like, 99 percent of the population. This is the guy who said that while he doesn’t watch NASCAR that much, he does have some friends who own teams. NASCAR TEAMS. Do you know how rich you have to be to own a freaking NASCAR team? Really freaking rich.

Not only does he not relate to most of America, but he doesn’t relate to a big constituency of conservative America: the Evangelicals and rednecks -and I mean that in the nicest way possible. The Evangelicals are behind Santorum and Newt Gingrich. Why? Because Mitt hasn’t always been a big conservative. He was governor of Massachusetts for crying out loud -MASSACHUSETTS. You’re not going to become governor of a state like Massachusetts if you’re an über conservative like Santorum or Gingrich -you have to be a moderate, and that’s what Romney essentially ran as. But now he’s changing his tune and pandering to the staunchly religious conservatives, yet I think people take these Evangelicals and Fundamentalists as dumber than they really are. I mean, yeah, they believe a lot of dumb stuff, but they’re not so stupid to just follow Mitt blindly as he flip flops through the issues. That’s why they’re voting for Gingrich and Santorum, and to be honest, I think they’d rather vote for Gingrich but since Santorum is doing so well in the polls, they’ll settle for him.

As for the rednecks, he’s too “hoity-toity” for them, plain and simple.

Truthfully, I was okay with Mitt until he started pandering to the far right. Unfortunately that’s wat has happened to this country. We’ve become so polarized that it’s pretty much impossible for a moderate to get elected -granted, Pres. Obama is pretty much a moderate in respect to his colleagues on the far left and right.

Americans today pretty much vote for parties and not candidates. Granted, parties are made of candidates, but these candidates are compromising their beliefs as well as the beliefs of some of their constituents because the only easy way to win is to get the vote of an entire party.